OEF Raises $35,000 for Rural Eastern Oregon Counties

OEF Raises $35,000 for Rural Eastern Oregon Counties

September 30, 2022

While utility hardship affects Oregonians statewide, the crisis is felt most fiercely by those living in rural areas. Despite the high level of need, few resources are available to these communities, due largely to the remote nature and low populations of rural areas.

Climate change has only heightened the urgency of this need. Extreme weather events like wildfires, cold spells, and heat waves represent a direct threat to the safety of rural Oregonians. As events like these grow more common, it is imperative that families can keep their homes at healthy temperatures.

Three years ago, Oregon Energy Fund began dramatically expanding funding to rural Oregon. In some areas, we were able to increase our funding by a factor of five. This work has continued to grow, fueled by support from our generous donors and foundations.

Recently, Oregon Energy Fund received two community grants totaling $35,000 from The Roundhouse Foundation and The Wildhorse Foundation. These grants will allow us to increase funding to Morrow, Umatilla, Union, Wallowa, Harney, Lake, Malheur, and Wheeler Counties to help an additional individuals in financial crisis with their utility bills.

Donate to OEF today so we can continue to respond to this need – and ensure struggling Oregonians can keep their homes and loved ones safe and healthy.